Sykik Rider Motorcycle camera GPS unit

Rider GPS tracker

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Model Price Quantity  
X and Z series $39.95
RW series $39.95
CR series $39.95

Rider GPS tracker


Track your motorcycle movement along with the video feed.

Choose whichever camera model you are purchasing to receive compatible GPS unit


Follow your movement in playback on Google Map, along with speed and direction of the ride.
Video Player with GPS/Google Map Click Here


Ask a Question
  • How does this plug in? I have the zr1btwifi camera and made sure to order one for that camera but it wont plug into any of the plugs

    GPS tracker comes with a Y  (splitter) cord. using this cord, you connect the GPS and the power module both, to the power intake (RED connection) of the DVR.

  • RIDER GPS TRACKER will it notify me if my bike is missing? can i put it on my phone? will it let me know if my bike is moved?

    This item will show where is your bike. You can use the GEO fencing for your propose. Go to your APP and allocate a small parameter. If the bike leaves the parameter, it will notify you. 

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